Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pardon my Progress - of sorts

It came upon me today that I must have a three column blog. I don't know why, but the idea possessed me so now I'm in the middle of trying to put it all back together. I'm rather sad that I can't seem to get my quick response clicky thingies to show up. They're showing in my settings, but aren't showing on the actual blahg.

Also, I want one of those tag /topic cloud thingies. Where would one fine a nice code for that? I'm too idiotic and old to do anything much past cut and paste since the last time I took a computer class the Apple IIe was the most up-to-date thing available.


 P.S. I don't moderate the responses, so please feel to post. I don't, however, accept responses from anonymous posters. My personal opinion is that if you really want to comment, you can at least take five minutes of your time to create a troll with a name. Nothing looks more insane than a blog response from all kinds of "anonymous" people who all have widely differing views. Jeebus. Provide me a little entertainment. Give me a name so I can make up horrible things about you in my head.


Jen said...

Oh yay! I can leave comments again! For some reason, yesterday, when I was going to laugh at you (or with you ;) ) about the vinegar in the soup I was having issues.

I got my topic cloud in the app or gadget thing where I got the followers and the ads and that. I know nothing of actual HTML.

KAR said...

It was the weirdest thing. I was trying to leave you a comment about the atrocity of mentioning wheat thins and it wouldn't let me post, either.

I fiddled around with the thingamabob and it seems to have worked itself out.

I'll dig through the gadgets again to see if I can fine one. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Kar the gadget you're looking for is either called "Labels" or "tags".

Hope that helps,
Boots' mom

Anonymous said...

I like this. I've wanted a three column blog for a while, but haven't figured out everything I want in that third column. This looks nice though, KAR.

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