Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What do you have?

Right before I was felled in the Battle of Strep Throat, I was in the middle of preparing a long Thanksgiving post on all the things I was thankful for in my life. I have many things and many wonderful people who have made my life very rich. However, the longer my list grew, the more . . . sentimental things got as I explained what this person or that person meant to me. I just don't deal in sentimentality all that well.

So I thought I'd let George Berger sum up my Thanksgiving  post for me.

Happy Thanksgiving! Spend it with the people you love.


Heather said...

Looking forward to the return of your posts. Your blunt honesty is refreshing and entertaining. I hope you are having a good holiday season, and can't wait for your next post

KAR said...

Hi Heather!

Sorry I haven't been a around. It's just been CUHRAZY! Thank you! <3

Anonymous said...

Where are you? I'm missing your posts! Hope you and family are enjoying the Christmas season.

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